46. Light Switch: Write about coming out of the dark and seeing the light.
Recently, I have completed 75hard, and if you don't know what is 75hard. First, let me explain to you what is 75hard. It is a program of mental toughness. which you have to complete 5 critical tasks.
- 2X 45 min of workout, 2.following a diet, 3. reading 10 pages of the book, 4. Drink 1 gallon of water, 5. No cheat meal or alcohol
You have to complete this critical task for 75 days without any deviation, if you fail any of them then you have to start all over again.
Believe me… when I was doing this program it was hard as hell. And I felt like its a tunnel, where I can see light after 75 days.
Some days I feel like quitting but I understood that if I will complete this tunnel. i will gain lots of traits like self-confidence, self- belief, self-esteem, time management, toughness, grittiness, perseverance.
This program was dark for 75 days just like a tunnel, but when reach another end of the tunnel. you feel happy to see the light.
The same thing happen to me when I completed 75hard in the starting it was dark but after that, i felt happy to gain lots of traits which I have told above.