44. Mirror, Mirror: What if your mirror started talking to you? What might the mirror say?
I was standing in front of the mirror sudden voice came from the mirror…
Hey mister, what are you going to do today…I was in shock my mirror is talking to me.
I replied lots of work need to do….first I will go to the office then after coming back home in the evening I will work for my client.
The mirror replied: what about your workout… your tummy is coming out.
then I saw my tummy then I realize I have to work on my fitness.
I replied: thanks man for pointing this out because of my work I am not able to make time for fitness.
Mirror replied: I know but you have to make time yourself otherwise you will lose efficiency in work.
From there onwards I started talking to mirror every single day…
And guess what, the mirror is your best friend it will never tell you a lie.
He will always tell you what things need to improve in your life.
So make your mirror best friend!