1.Outside the Window: What’s the weather outside your window doing right now? If that’s not inspiring, what’s the weather like somewhere you wish you could be?
Yesterday, It was 7 pm in the evening. I was sitting in front of the window and looking outside, and enjoying my hot coffee.
Guess what?
The weather was amazing, and it was raining heavily outside on that day. one of my favorite seasons is the rainy season.especially after the heavy rain when the environment becomes greener and a little cold.
Whenever rains come its inspires me a lot and teaches me one lesson.
The lesson which I Learnt “See the rain as a challenge in your life”.
One of my daily tasks to do exercise 45 min daily, but due to heavy rain. I started giving excuses to myself that it’s raining, do it tomorrow not today
Now I have 2 option 1. make excuse or 2. see rain as a challenge
Guess what?
I have chosen 2 option and I wore my running shoes and raincoat went outside and completed my daily task
So the lesson is…
In Life, you will face lots of challenges and obstacles. See those challenges and obstacles as an improvement to grow in life
There is a saying either you make excuses or make records
The choice is yours!